Hi, I am Dr. Joost Bats

I am a life coach specializing in high achievers. As a coach, I have received extensive training from psychologists and meditation teachers. In addition, I am currently researching young professionals' mental health with the aim of publication in the Journal of Applied Psychology.

Drawing on my own experience as a High Achiever, and with over a decade of specializing in mindfulness and psychology, my job is to help fellow High Achievers overcome their challenges and transform their well-being.

My specific focus on High Achievers stems from my personal journey, as I, too, had been chasing achievement. Holding lead positions at the European Central Bank and Reserve Bank of Australia, while also completing a PhD with publications in esteemed journals, marked significant milestones in my career. But amid my professional success, I encountered a personal stagnation that propelled me towards a journey of self-discovery. Many years later, through the exploration of advanced meditation practices and scientific study of psychology, I uncovered my aspiration to coach fellow High Achievers.

If you are a High Achiever, know that you have found the life coach who understands your unique path and is equipped with the insights to truly help you improve your life. I invite you to embark on your transformative journey towards resilience and happiness under my guidance.

Trained life coach
Highly specialized in mindfulness and psychology
Knows the essentials for High Achievers to transform their well-being and unlock fulfillment

Let's get to know each other